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Create Tags

To create a new tag:
1. Click the Tags and Models tile on the Home page.
2. On the Tags and Models page, click the Create Tags tile.
3. Select the tag type.
Note: You can expand the main types to select a more specific tag subtype:
4. Click NEXT to open the Main Details page which allows you to add more details on the tag you're creating, such as the plant and area, etc.
Note: When you select the area from the dropdown menu, the Unit field will be auto-populated based on that choice. You can also provide information on the work package the tag applies to.
For the remaining part of the Main Details section, there are some variants for different tag types.
The process variable is a single letter, predefined in the drop-down list:
The Tag Starting Sequence Number is a five-digit number which indicates that the new tag number will use the first available number starting from the specified number (for example, if 71000 is not used, the new tag number will be 71000; if 71000 has been used, then the new tag number will be the next available number, e.g., 71001).
Loop for instrument tag can be selected by searching the existing loops:
When there are multiple instruments with the same function code on the same loop, a single letter (A to Z) suffix must be specified for each instrument, for example:
As a result, additional instrument tag can be created:
Cable tags follow an ENS that is specific to cables consisting of source tag (1), destination tag (2), cable type (3), cable number (4) and phase.  There are two exceptions, Electrical Heat Tracing Cable and Overhead Power Line, which use the typical ENS format:
Cable Type is a single letter, predefined in the dropdown list, and Cable Number is a two-digit integer.
The created cable tag looks as follows:
Phase is a single letter (A, B, C, N), predefined in the dropdown list:
Phase is not a mandatory field, and when a phase is selected, it will be attached to the end of the tag name.
The assigned tag number will start at 1 (if the Starting Sequence Number is not specified), or the number specified by the Starting Sequence Number (e.g. Starting Sequence Number is 22222):
Stand-by tags can be added to existing tags by checking the Stand-by tag checkbox:
Then the stand-by tag is created:
For other tags, the Starting Sequence Number cannot be lower than 70000; otherwise the following error reminder will pop up:
The new CTA tag is created. It returns to the Tags and Models page and a pop-up notification is displayed in the bottom right corner: