The following principals apply to the security model in SPF:
1. If the document originator is a partner:
If the new document is created under the default "unrestricted" setting (unchecked Restrict Access to Specified Organizations), the document is accessible to every partner and supplier.
If the new document is created as "restricted" (checked Restrict Access to Specified Organizations), it is accessible to receiving partners and suppliers only, but inaccessible to unspecified partners and suppliers. Adding unspecified partners and/or suppliers to the list of "receiving organizations" will provide them access to the document.
2. If the document originator is a supplier:
If the new document is created under the default "unrestricted" setting (unchecked Restrict Access to Specified Organizations), the document is accessible to all partners, but inaccessible to all suppliers (both receiving and unspecified).
If the new document is created as "restricted" (checked Restrict Access to Specified Organizations), it is accessible to receiving partners and suppliers.
Note: The Restrict Access to Specified Organizations checkbox is located under the Assign Metadata window, Details tab. For detailed instructions on how to set the accessibility of the document, see Create a Document - Assign Metadata.