Relationship Builder

Establishing Relationships
Some relationships are established automatically by SPF.
  • E.g. Attaching a document to a transmittal establishes a relationship between the document and the transmittal.
Some relationships must be established using the Relationship Builder.  Refer to Creating Relationships between Objects.
  • E.g. Establish a relationship between a document and a package.
  • E.g. Establish a relationship between a tag and a drawing, or between a tag and a data sheet.
Package relationships
  • When creating relationships between a package and a document, the relationship is set to a revision of the document. This will ensure that the correct revision of a document (e.g. revision matches the Specification Index) is assigned to the package. If any documents or drawings listed on the specification index are revised and the new revision is required for the package, the relationship needs to be modified to the new revision.