Quality Incident (QI) ReportingQuality Incident (QI) Reporting is being migrated from SharePoint.
To simplify the use of quality incidents, the submission of a quality incident is independent from the actionable report. Each has their respective Quality Incident Type. The different types are proceed through different implementation or acceptance workflows.
Quality Incident Types
To simplify the management of Quality Incidents, they have been separated into the following types:
Acceptance of Quality Submissions
Anyone on the project can instantiate a Quality Submission. The QS is reviewed by the quality manager who determines if none, one, or multiple reports are required. At the quality manager’s discretion for example, a single QS may necessitate 2 PAR and an NCR. Additionally, the Quality Manager can return the submission so that the originator can generate the Quality Incident Reports (CAR, PAR, OFI, NCR). Following up on submissions that have been returned is a manual activity; these items are marked with a status of Pending Follow-Up.
![]() Quality Surveillance Reporting
Quality Surveillance Reports (QSR) allow users / contractors the ability to report on work being performed. Each report allows for none, one, or many Activities to be recorded for each QSR. Activities allow the surveillant to denote work tasks as n/a, ok, OBS, DA. Activities denoted as DA carry a status so that the surveillant can track that the issue has been addressed. The Quality Incident Management tile provides search functionality for Quality Surveillance Reports (listing reports alone) as well as Quality Surveillance Activities (listing the Activities along with their parent QSR). Like Quality Submissions (QS), Quality Surveillance Reports can result in different quality incidents: NCR, CAR, PAR, OFI. They are reviewed by the Quality Manager QSR, and can be returned to the originator after review, should the need arise. Refer to section above.
In general, a QSR is Drafted with Actions. The QSR can only be submitted when DA Actions are Completed unless the Action has a Significance Level of Level A, in which case, the action is permitted to be Open.
Implementation of CAR, PAR, OFI, NCR
The implementation of Action Reports (CAR, PAR, OFI) and NCR are depicted below.
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