EWP Progress Calculation

EWP progress is based on the status of the last issued revision of the documents contained in the package.  A package profile assigned to the package, progresses documents according to the status value for the particular profile of the package. The standard 40001-EM-STD-60059 describes the profiles for EWPs that are complete, with the earned value for each status of the document.  The package progress is simply the average progress of the progress for each document in the package.
Figure 1: Package Progress
Override Calculated Values
The only control users have over progress is the Override value.  A value can be specified to override the calculated value up to the lowest non-zero value for the profile.  Typically, this means that you can override the value up to the point that the document has been issued under the status Draft, after which the override value will be ignored. 
You can override the calculated value in two ways:
  • Type the override value in the relevant box for the document and click SAVE ALL
  • Type the override value in the box at the top to apply it on multiple selected items at once. When using the override box at the top, click APPLY, then SAVE ALL.
Automatic Updates
The progress is calculated based on live data.  The package progress is recalculated every time you modify and save the package or document information, which ensures that accurate values are communicated to the project. Changing the override values, the package profile, or the documents within the package will all trigger progress recalculation.  It is worth noting that the status is only reevaluated as the document revision undergoes Sign Off or Undo Sign Off; typically, at the time it is issued by document control.
Note: Sign Off and Undo Sign Off are system commands that freeze or unfreeze a revision of a document.  This is a system signature which differs from the practice of authorizing a revision by various individuals.
Documents that have been issued for approval will lose some of the progress value if the document revision gets rejected over the course of the approval process.  At that point the document’s earned progress is based on the revision prior to the one that bears the status Issued for Approval.  Once the revision is corrected and resubmitted under status Issued for Approval, the progress will change accordingly. 
Hold Values
The standard 40001-EM-STD-60059 describes some status values as Hold.  This is common for the statuses Issued for Information and Issued for Tender.  The intention of this is to indicate that the progress should remain unchanged from its previously calculated value.  The system will specifically look into the status of the last issued revision that does not result in a value Hold.  The objective here is to handle scenarios where a revision in undergoing Undo Sign Off and the previous revision results in a Hold value.  In this case, if the system were to abide by the rule of keeping the previous value, the value would incorrectly reflect the status for the revision that is being reverted.  Instead, the system will navigate to the last issued revision to calculate the progress.
The value Hold introduces an issue in that the progress calculation relies on historical revisions of the document.  When the Hold value is the only available revision for the document, the progress for that document will result in 0%. Examples of this include documents that have been migrated from a different system. The history of the document is missing and the revision that exists in the system is at Issued for Information.  Such scenarios must be handled on a case-by-case basis to determine the appropriate course of action. 
Cancelled and Obsolete Documents
Based on the standard 40001-EM-STD-60059, documents having the status Obsolete are given a value of 100%.  They must be issued at that status for the progress calculation. Cancelled documents are not considered as part of the package.  Any progress that may be shown is ignored and the document is not included in the package progress calculation.  
Level-of-Effort (LOE) Package Types
Level-of-effort packages do not take into account the progress of individual documents. The progress of the package is a number (0-100) specified for the package directly.
Documents in Multiple EWPs
There is no limit to the number of EWPs a document may have.  The EWPs will typically have different profiles which means that the earned progress for the document will be different from package to package.
The package progress is exported automatically on a weekly basis.  The export is consumed by EcoSys and combined with information from S3D to provide a comprehensive view of engineering progress.
For more information on the user interface, see Enhanced User Interface for Efficiency.